Agent Blogs
Click on the banner to register today for your chance to WIN!!! [
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Royal LePage Canada Announcement - Share professionally-produced video with your clients
RLP TV’s Video Library puts valued information in your hands and makes it easy to share. has consolidated 36 episodes of everything your clients ever wanted to know about buying... [
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Come and get your Free PuMpKiN!!
Our Manotick Office will be Giving Away Free Pumpkins, this coming Sat, Oct 23rd!!
Starting at 9am - they won't last long!! 1 Pumpkin per Family
1096 Bridge St, Manotick!
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Come and get your Free PuMpKiN!!
Our Riverside South Office will be Giving Away Free Pumpkins, this coming Sat, Oct 16th!!
Starting at 9am - they won't last long!! 1 Pumpkin per Family
4-4188 Spratt Rd, Gloucester (Riverside South) [
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It's that time of year again! Pumpkin Give - Away Time!! Come and get your Free PuMpKin...
Riverside South, Sat Oct 16th: 9am until there are none left! (4-4188 Spratt Rd, Gloucester)
Manotick, Sat Oct 23rd: 9am until there are none left! (1096 Bridge St, Manotick)
(One Pumpkin per... [
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“Real Estate in Black and White”. A video we would like to share with our clients! [
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For those of you who attended the recent RLP National Conference, we had asked for that “Socialnomics” video that was played at the opening ceremonies. It is a fantastic video with some very good and useful content – worthwhile to watch again (or for the first time... [
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Blog posted by
Kent Browne
Views (80284)
Realtors offer clients many more services
Re: Meet Ottawa's 'most-hated' Realtor, April 8.
As a Realtor, I take great exception to this Citizen article. The Canadian Real Estate Association has always taken great pride in encouraging different business models, and area Realtors welcome Joe... [
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